It’s quiet. Lots of people at Coachella. I don’t much care, but it’s nice to have the neighborhood feel rather abandoned despite the nice weather.
Author: reluctantadv
New place, old blog
Welcome to the new home of my Reluctant Adventurer Blog, formerly hosted at
μAdventure: Carizzo Plain 2
The mountains were yellow, orange and lavender. As I hiked up, I went through all those colors – mostly yellow at my elevation, but some traces of the others as well.
μAdventure: Carizzo Plain 1
I decided I would head to the Carrizo Plain today to check out what was there, do some hiking and generally just get away.
New Year’s Thought
I like traveling with a block of time and minimal plans, not beholden to a schedule or detailed itinerary. That’s what makes it a vacation for me.
NZ Epilogue: What I did; What I planned
It’s what happens when you go to a place you don’t know and discover things you never considered along the way. Those “unknown unknowns” they teach you about in project management class.
NZ: Final thoughts about the CB500x
When loaded it was a bit sluggish in the corners but a willing hauler that could still pass slow trucks with ease when asked to. When unloaded it was a lot of fun on twisting roads and mountain passes.
NZ Day 24: Home
It’s now 2200/10pm on the 22nd of December. Which is weird, because my flight left Auckland at 2300/11pm, which the clock on my computer tells me is about an hour from now. I’m confused.
NZ Days 21-23: Christchurch again
You see more as you spend more time in one place just watching. I call this, “peeling back the onion,” and it’s yielded great photos over the years.
NZ Misc.: Christmas in NZ
It’s not that people aren’t celebrating. It’s that the months-long retail and media hysteria that occupy us in the US just isn’t here.