I started a bit late after a good night’s sleep. My new friends from last night showed up in the kitchen and dining room even later. We contemplated the day and decided to go our separate ways.
Jasper spring adventure: Hope to Jasper
By the time I got to Valemount, I was ready for the mountains. Mt. Robson obliged. Then the mountains near Moose Lake and around the Continental Divide.
UrbAdv: New York Jan 2024
Back to New York. Unfortunately, weather meant that a couple of meetings I had hoped for were cancelled, but also managed to catch up with one friend I haven’t seen in a while and spontaneously joined a hot chocolate tour. There was also lots of other food.
Starting over
I’ve been mostly absent here for a long time, for lots of reasons. But I’ve got the website finally fixed, and will be slowly updating it with some notes from travel this past year.
UrbAdv: New York Nov 2023
This isn’t the kind of travel this blog was originally set up for. In fact, it feels weird to write an “adventure” blog about “home,” but it also seems odd to visit and not write about it at all.
Kootenay RAT Raid (2)
I enjoyed Nelson, it’s fast becoming a favorite place. The town is full of skiers, motorcyclists, mountain bikers, kayakers, photographers and the like.
Kootenay RAT Raid (1)
I thought two difficult motorcycle trips this summer would mean that the third time might be the charm.
I didn’t get soaked and frozen this time, but “charm” probably doesn’t describe it either.
Canadian Rockies Day 10-11: Jasper – Seattle
Jasper to Kamloops is beautiful riding, first on BC16 to Valemount, then down 5 to Kamloops. Enjoyed the views, but didn’t stop much once I passed Mt. Robson. That’s another area I’d like to come back to and it will have to be a different trip.
Canadian Rockies Day 9: Jasper
The weather remained “unsettled” as it has been for much of the trip, with clearing promised in the afternoon. As on previous days, I was tempted to dunk myself into the cold water where I could, but the weather wasn’t quite warm enough.
Canadian Rockies Day 8: Banff – Jasper
I rode northeast on the Trans-Canada, initially in the direction I came from, but I turned north onto the Icefields Parkway near Lake Louise. Weather was variable, at times chilly, but mostly pleasant enough despite the overcast and occasional haze.