June 15, 2023

I woke up to weather that was still overcast and a bit chilly, but nice enough for riding. Checked out of the hostel and headed into town to try to find breakfast. I knew where to go for breakfast, but finding parking anywhere that allowed motorcycles was a challenge. (Note to all parking operators: If you’re going to prohibit motorcycles, put a sign in a visible location at the entrance. A note in tiny text at the bottom of the sign laying our hourly costs, which is only visible after you’ve already turned in and are unable to turn back around, is really not helpful.) Anyway, I was glad to get out of Banff. In retrospect, I regret that I didn’t move along sooner and in better weather.
I rode northwest on the Trans-Canada, initially in the direction I came from, then north onto the Icefields Parkway near Lake Louise. I imagine Lake Louise has become as much of a tourist trap as Banff has, and I had the good fortune of visiting many years ago, so didn’t stop. Weather was variable, at times chilly, but mostly pleasant enough despite the overcast and occasional haze. I stopped here and there along the route, but the weather remained just a bit too cold for me to go for a hike or dive into a cold creek. I made a quick bathroom and drink break at the Saskatchewan River Crossing.
I also stopped at the Athabaska and the Sunwapta falls, which are the two most notable ones along this route. I skipped the glacier tour, the glacier skywalk, etc. Few pictures today, since after yesterday, it was nice to just be out and about, but again I have some video of the ride. As I pushed further north, smoke from wildfires replaced the haze and overcast from yesterday’s dissipating storm. It wasn’t too bad, but was noticeable in the air.
I rode into Jasper and quickly found the hostel. It’s a new structure on the edge of town, across the railroad tracks from everything else. They’ve warned that the trains might be noticeable at night and provided earplugs. I’ve been listening to them go by, and even with the window open they don’t bother me. There’s a crossing with gates, so they don’t need to sound their horns. The building ventilation fan cutting in and out is more apparent to me than the trains.
There’s a nice outside area with grills and a fire pit, and some room for outdoor games. Access to town is pretty easy through a tunnel under the train tracks. Jasper started out as a CN town and the main line from east to west still goes through here. CP Rail routes cross the mountains to the south and I already encountered them on the ride from Revelstoke to Banff.
I had dinner in town, since I won’t be here long enough to justify much shopping. Walked back and made some new friends in the lounge.
These are the only photos of the day at the Saskatchewan River Crossing parking lot.