Just a few words to let the world know I’m still alive and in Seattle.

Departure from Los Angeles was later than expected, and quite a bit of my remaining stuff, at the end, was tossed out rather than being packed or sold. That’s what happens when you change your life and location on a month’s notice. It didn’t help that it turned into one of the wettest weeks in recent memory in Los Angeles.
Flash the cat was surprisingly cooperative. I suppose that watching everything slowly disappear over the course of the past week while being jostled aside by cleaners and movers was unsettling to the point that being isolated in the car with me was a relief. I brought his favorite fleece pad and his heating pad to keep him warm which I powered off an inverter plugged in at the back of the car. He had a litter box up front which he used when we stopped and I gave him food and water at stops as well. He had room on the front seat if he wanted it but he seemed happier in his warm carrier the whole way.
We made it to Redding by about midnight and pulled into our motel in the rain. I had pre-paid a pet rate, but I doubt they would have noticed the difference. I carried flash in, set up his food and litter box and he mostly sheltered in place that night, with a couple of excursions over to the bed. He even cooperated with getting back in the box in the morning. It was a quick breakfast and then we continued.
Rain continued most of the way, but led to some pretty amazing scenery along with the challenging driving. We stopped in Weed for lunch, if only because I like the name. Flash stayed in the car and I snapped a few pictures.

Weed was the only real stop. We made it through to Seattle late on Saturday night and found our way to the temporary apartment that AWS has arranged for my first month. Not a great place or time to have to unload the car, but most of what was in there could stay overnight and it was sorted out the next morning.

Sunday made for a day of doing a bit of shopping and exploring slightly. Not much time, and getting stuff for Flash to settle in with was the top priority. Found a supermarket, a Petco and a fairly nice view across the parking lot. Also figured out where to park, since apparently parking was not included with this temporary housing. Finally, I got everything out of the car and at least enough of it unpacked. I’m already regretting not tossing out more things before I left.